Can you not get a picture or sketch of the upright ? as we might be able to
Alistair Clinton UK Racing Castings
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Gibson <>
To: vintage-race-list <>; formula-ford-list
Sent: 25 August 1999 09:07
Subject: Mystery casting
> Hello vintage and Formula Ford racers,
> Can anyone hazard a guess to the identification and possible source for
> the following mystery casting (sorry no photo!).....
> Have a cast rear upright, early '70s Formula Ford. Single suspension
> pick-up (eye) on the top and two on the bottom. Lugs for outboard
> brakes.
> Casting mark reads (as near as I can figure):
> KA
> ?CAO
> The '?' is a backwards 'C', the 'K' could be an 'X'
> Any Guesses?
> Regards,
> Steve Gibson
> Email:
> Snail: 20-22 Stirling Hwy
> Nedlands
> Western Australia 6009
> Nbrs : (tel) +61 8 9333 8917 (fax) +61 8 9333 8889