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Re: BFG R1's or GForce?

Subject: Re: BFG R1's or GForce?
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 11:03:35 EDT
In a message dated 99-06-23 07:56:33 EDT, you write:

 I've been following the BFG R1 tire comments with interest.  I've been
 running R1's on my MGB with pleasing results.  Are we all talking about the
 OLD R1's? Aren't they discontinued in favor of the new GForce radials?  I
 know some sizes are still available in the old type but for how long?
 Apparently the new tires are completely different in design and working
 pressures.  Does anybody have experience changing from the old R1's to the
 new GForce tires?  My first set of R1's are going into their 3rd season and
 still work well but I'll be looking for replacements soon.
 Kelvin Palmer >>

The old R1s on my MGB are also in their 3rd season and while working okay are 
(like yours) due for replacement soon.  The Tire Rack  has a web page that 
will give you alot of info on tires.  The old R1s are no longer available in 
the 185-60-14" that I run.  I belive that G-force R1s are available on 
special order.  I don't have the web page address handy, but you can find 
their address in their ads in any of the good automotive magazines like Road 
and Track or Car and Driver etc.

Rod Schweiger
'64 MGB Sebring Coupe?

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