Serious engine tuners that I have talked to can usually get more HP on BL
A-series engines on SU's than Webers, and this should hold true on any
siamesed port engine. I found that when modified for max airflow the SU's
lost a lot of drivability at paddock and part throttle type speeds. I also
found that as I dodn't have a dyno, I could get the Webers to work OK a ton
easier than I could get the SU's close to right. But on streetcars I still
love SU's...
At 10:31 AM 4/20/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Jack I have a mechanic who I respect highly that tells me that in his
>opinion the SU was one of the simplest, most reliable carburetors made. He
>did say that they needed to be properly set up, but once this was done, that
>they were hard to beat. I was considering a change to Stombergs for my
>street TR3 since I had a brand new pair and he talked me out of it.
>I do know from personal experience that the direction that float bowl faces
>is important.
Brian Evans
Director, Global Sales
UUNET, An MCI WorldCom Company