In a message dated 4/12/99 9:40:49 AM Central Daylight Time,
<< a wainer that had a
fiat engine,that we used to race at bridgehampton,limerock and thompson
in 1961era. i still have a picture of that car #41 and it was raced in a
division in those days that was known as formula juniors. >>
Dave Warner, from Huntsville, Alabama, ran a Wainer F-Jr in SVRA events in
the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was a pretty silver car with a
Ferrari-type "shark-nose" front end, but I do not believe the nose was
original. Art Eastman used the car for some of his early "photo" business
cards. Dave had a baby girl and stopped racing and I don't know what happened
to him or the car thereafter. Perhaps SVRA still has records or some of the
older members recall the car and/or Dave.
David Whiteside