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The good the bad etc part 2

Subject: The good the bad etc part 2
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 23:04:06 EDT
Grease stained Brothers-

It's a good thing nobody is paying me to do this...I'd have ask for a raise...

The marathon preparation on the Duke of Oil continues...damn the checkbook, 
full speed ahead. The car is completely stripped and heads to the paint shop 
this week. I usually work on one thing at a time, finish it, and on to the 
next (maybe that's why it takes me years to complete a car ?), but with this 
project I feel like I'm going in a dozen different directions at once. (This 
is the fun part, right?) One of these directions has lead me to an impass. 
The Duke came with a 4.55 ring and pinion that was cracked almost al the way 
through. I dug out a couple of other diffs I had, but lo and behold, the ring 
and pinions in them are all used up as well. So, this brings me to amy plea. 
Has anyone got a decent 4.55 ring and pinion that they would like to sell? I 
know all you guys with the slick close ratio setups are running much higher 
ratios now, so somebody must have an ole 4.55 lying around. Lemme know.

And a nuther thing...what's up with the weather? Don't talk to me about 
global warming! It usually snows (that's what we Californians call it, but 
you hard core types probably wouldn't even notice it- you have to use about 
10 square feet of lawn to make a decent snowball) about once every 4-5 years. 
This year it has snowed a half dozen times this year. Yesterday I had to 
leave town (something that I get a lot of requests for...), and had to drive 
thru a snow storm coming over the mountain. For crying out loud its April and 
this is California ! And wind... The aerodynamics of a half full long neck 
bottle of Black Mountain Porter are not as good as you would think. I pushed 
the Duke out of the shop to work on him (still under a deck) and the above 
mentioned beverage was blown clean off the scuttle by this year's  "gentle" 
spring zephyrs. What's up with that.

Oops ...time for my meds...
              Nick in Nor Cal

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