Martins of Philadelphia. John wrote:
> In a message dated 3/17/99 9:08:39 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Listers, since we're talking about chrome here is a short story that
> happened to me in the last 10 days. Nu-Chrome Corp, located in New
> Bedford, Mass, I have been dealing in a small way with this Co. for 5
> years, twice in the past two years someone else's job has been by error
> shipped to me, and returned to Nu-Chrome by me at my expense both time,
> with never a thank you or any comments at all, last week I called to ask
> a price on anodizing 2 drip rail molding, his quote 100/120, so I send
> them up, 3 days later he calls and says the price will be 180.00, I remind
> him of his phone quote and his reply, "Oh just an estimate," well sir how
> can you be off 80% in your line of work, take it or leave it, I ask for
> him to return them to me. Return them he did, UPS "cashier's check only,"
> now who has a cashier's check in their home, I live 15 miles round trip
> to the nearest bank/post office. If you don't take his service/price then
> the hell with you, he gets even, so much for Nu-Chrome of NewBedford,
> Mass. for me, I just think you should also know how they operates.>>
> I've been waiting for someone to Bash Nu-Chrome Corp. so I could get into the
> discussion.
> Two years ago I purchased an Austin Healey Front Bumper at the spring Swap
> Meet in Carlisle, PA Walked over to the Nu-Chrome booth and asked them if they
> could make a Concours Quality Bumper out of it. He looked it over and stated
> NO PROBLEM. I picked up some of the before and after display piece he had on
> the table and again asked can you make it look as good as these AFTER sample.
> Again NO PROBLEM. I gave him the bumper and a Check for $180 along with my
> shipping address. I finally received the bumper 8 months later after many
> phone calls in which they kept telling me it would be shipped at the end of
> the week. Upon inspection I found many pits in the Class A surface and the
> mounting brackets on the rear side were still covered with rust. They said
> send it back and they would redo it for me to my satisfaction. Five months
> later again after numerous phone calls I received it with 3/8 diameter black
> burn spot on the front surface and still handed removed the rust from the back
> side. Like the writer of the above post I paid the shipping charges both
> times. I did call them and inform them of my dissatisfaction and their only
> reply was send it back and we will make it just like you want it. NOT A
> CHANCE!!!!!!!
> Now does anyone have a good suggestion on where I can get this bumper plated
> to Concours Quality. It will shortly become the most expensive part of my
> restoration.
> Feels good to get that off my chest.
> Now back to the regularly scheduled programing
> Ron Mitchell
> Ortonville, MI