I agree with Brian the 'standard' setup for racing 948's seems to b 4.55
rear out of a Metropolitan or similar truck. 4.22 is a dog; British Auto
Parts out in Marcola, OR, tel 541.933.2880...........ask for Jim Pocan
could run about $250-300
I thought that the stock diff for the early cars was a 4.22 (or 4.11), so
they should be easy to find. I used a 4.55 for almost every track when I
ran the Midget with a 948 engine - maybe that would be a good compromise.
The taller gear (4.22, if that's what stock is) wouldn't pull worth beans
even if it worked for top speed.
At 12:20 PM 3/4/99 -0500, you wrote:
>While my AN5 sprite is setup perfectly for a couple tracks with a 4.88,
>going to need a 4.22 to race at others. My problem? I don't have one.
>appreciate any leads...
>Greg Schulz
>VSCDA, Grp. 2
>"Historic" Cedarburg, WI