I used a motorcycle racing transmission oil in the Midget, 'cause I got half
a case when a shop I happened to drop into was going out of business. This
time we're going to use Mobil One, or equivalent, 20-50 motor oil in the
box. I would seriously consider the RedLine light weight Shockproof stuff
for the ribcase box also, but you don't need the oil to be modified for
hypoid gear use in a ribcase type box, while you do in a Hewland type box
where the oil is use in both the hypoid diff and the straight cut gears.
Don't forget that motor oil weights are on a different scale that gear oil
weights - 20-50 equates roughly to 90 weight gear oil, or so I've been told.
Plus British Leyland recommends 20-50 motor oil in the gearbox from new, so
why not?
Some of the local front running pro FFord guys don't use oil coolers, so I
don't doubt that you could also get away with it. They don't use oil temp
guages either - they just run!!!
At 01:23 AM 2/24/99 -0500, you wrote:
>What brand/type do you use for transmission?
>I am using Mobil1 for engine, but regular oil for tranny.
>In view of the higher temp capability of synthetics, I suspect I could run
>happily without an oil cooler.
>Although I use a cooler now, my oil temp never gets more than 200ish (same as
>water) anyway and no oil cooler means less things to crack and trap bits of
>Do you know other who came to this conclusion with good result?
>MAlcolm Cox 1960 MGA