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Barbie Ferrari best bet

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Barbie Ferrari best bet
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 10:02:09 EST
I assume you mean doll, not Klaus? Seriously, I run across all the Barbie cars
at our local antique/junk stores on a semi-regular basis. My advice is to
frequent small, second-string "antique" and "thrift" stores. This is where old
Barbie stuff ends up. Don't bother with real, nigh-end antique stores...I'm
talking about the smaller, mon-and-pop stores. Expect to pay $20-$35 or so.
The Austin-Healeys are the most common, but the Ferrari can be had.
Happy hunting,
Harold Pace
Veteran junk store hunter

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