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Fwd: Wires etc...

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Fwd: Wires etc...
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 08:42:35 EST
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Subject: Re: Wires etc...
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 08:41:33 EST
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Thanks for the kind comments .
If your sanctioning bodie allows it the system I would choose is the
Electromotive distributorless . It requires a bit more setup than most units ,
the manual is a bit wordy and borders on reading like the author is just
trying to show off his technical knowledge , but this aside it is a wonderful
unit .
If you must use a distributor for spark distribution , then I would look into
the newer CD type systems that have digital control instead of analog . Use
the high rpm retard feature , and do all you can to make your spark control as
steady as possible , get your cam end play down to as small as you can , and
make sure your timing chain is in good shape and that your cam sprocket is in
line with the crank sprocket . You might consider making thrust bearings for
the front and rear of the cam . I know this all sounds a bit overkill but
believe me when I say that spark control is key . I read the opinions that I
am recognizing more improvement in performance from increased current , which
is likely a factor , I do indeed believe that the longer duration spark
offered by the DIS systems are more beneficial in engines like these antiques
we race , where our combustion chamber shape is so poor that a longer spark
may actually " relight " our fire , or start separate flame fronts . But again
to me the control is paramount , if we accept that electricity travels at the
speed of light , things happen very immediately when the ignition starts
sending out voltage , if this happens exactly when we want it to instead of
approximately when we want it , then we can put the timing where we can use it
the best . Again this is just my opinion , and whatever it is worth , it's
worth .
Thanks again ;


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