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Re: vintage-race-digest V1 #176 Spitfire questions...

To: owner-vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: vintage-race-digest V1 #176 Spitfire questions...
From: "Peter L. Krause" <>
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 15:20:56 -0500
Alan Storey,
    Always good to have another "small bore" Spitfire in the works.
Being in Atlanta, I would recommend preparing the car for the most
conservative organization that you plan to run, then you can race it
anywhere! In your case, I would recommend that you prepare the car
EXACTLY to the Historic SCCA Production Car Specifications for G
Production, effective 1973. In both HSR and SVRA, as well as the
independent events that you are likely to want to go to (Brian Redman's
excellent Jefferson 500 in mid May at Summit Point and the Dodge Vintage
Festival at Lime Rock on Labor Day) these specs will work and act as an
accurate guide to a historically authentic level of preparation. Be
aware that carburetion is open and there are tire rules that must be
followed, but if you call SVRA's Jack Woerhle you can get the skinny...
The quickest 1147 Spit on the East Coast belongs to Dave Belden in
Woodstock, Connecticut. He's been racing the car for almost thirty
years. The next quickest (and beautifully done, as well) is Marcus
Jones, from Virginia. Tucker Morse from South Carolina, pedals his
mount  very well also. Safety rules should be updated from the Historic
SCCA Specs, but as far as what is allowed in terms of mechanical
specification, no one will quibble with the detailed mods outlined in
that publication. Unfortunately , there has been a tremendous rise in
the number of cars prepared to no particular standard and are allowed to
run because the organizer wants to "make a place" for everyone. If you
are interested in putting together a well prepared, authentic and
accurate reproduction of something that would have run in SCCA over
twenty five years ago, you'll be in good shape. Another Spitfire guru is
Rick Cline in Florida...Good Luck! -Peter Krause

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