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Re: The Rules

Subject: Re: The Rules
From: Susan and John Roper <>
Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 17:59:25 -0600
Harold, I respect your position, but have to offer different thoughts.  When I
started in SCCA decades ago we took pride in having enough talent to race w/o 
need for banging on people.  Granted, SCCA no longer cares whether 
occurs.  they excuse it as "racing incidents".  In my experience it is all to
often lack of skill or "I don't give a damn" attitude, neither of which are to 
liking.  Those of who have raced a good bit learned long ago that you better 
who is around you and how they behave.  Vintage drivers have, in my humble
opinion, even more obligation to know what they are doing and to avoid the dumb
moves that can cause incidents.  If you are at speed in a race car, there are
many cituations where you are committed and cannot take major evasive action to
avoid some mindless off line move immediately in front.  In other words, you
don't need to go fast but you do need to respect and be aware of those who do.
John wrote:

> In a message dated 11/1/98 3:11:10 PM, wrote:
> >Vintage racing is a competition, not an exhibition. There are only three
> >important rules, be honest under the hood, don't touch fenders and don't
> block
> >!
> In the first place, to many people vintage racing IS an exhibition. They have
> as much right to the track as those who think they are racing drivers. To the
> above list of "rules", I would add "Watch your mirrors", "Be careful passing
> slower cars", "Don't let winning get in the way of having a good, safe time"
> and "If you are consumed with winning at all cost, please switch to SCCA".
> Harold Pace
> Mallock U2

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