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Castrol R

To: "'Vintage-Race List'" <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Castrol R
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 10:18:05 -0500
According to Susan Howell, Castrol USA's Webmaster, Castrol R (20, 30 &
40 wt) is no longer available from Castrol US ("Castrol R is a racing
oil which has been discontinued for sale in the U.S and is no longer
available.  However, it can be purchased through the U.K.").

Other sources confirm that it can be purchased from Castrol Vintage Oils
in the UK, but the shipping expense is about equivalent to the price of
the oil.

Does anyone know of an alternative (read "cheaper") source?

Jim Hill
SpyderWeb Vintage Racing
Madison WI

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