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Re: Top 10 Reasons Why I Wasn't in Monterey Last weekend.....

Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons Why I Wasn't in Monterey Last weekend.....
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 02:41:03 EDT
In a message dated 98-08-18 01:45:35 EDT, writes:

<< once is enough....
 Ciao. >>


Been there tons of times in the past, and always had a good time when it was a
different, albeit less crowded venue.  Concours Italiano was always a favorite
too (when it was free, and when you could come and go in less than a 2 hr.
commute, and when I had a Ferrari, so the best parking place was on the lawn!)

Those of us who live nearby tend to take the place for granted and complain
about the tourists and traffic on a "normal" weekend.....but the
Historics/Pebble draw makes it just plain silly to try and go there and have
fun.  I know of several people who simply turned around and when home, instead
of sitting in hours long traffic trying to get in and out of the track.  Heard
first hand reports that the tickets were sold out, and other reports that the
gate prices were raised from $30 on Sat/Sun to $40 (a report from someone who
saw the prices crossed out on the signs on the ticket booths).

I, on the other hand, had a pleasant weekend in Northern CA with my
girlfriend, attending a music/beer festival at a Microbrewery in Ukiah,
touring the back roads to Boonville and Calistoga (stopped to see the Old
Faithful Geyser...still spurting away like it was on Viagra...), and numerous
wine tasting stops, which ended up emptying my wallet faster than a weekend in
Monterey!!!  BTW, ran into the local MG club on this tour, who also had
obviously opted to go elsewhere than Monterey for the weekend.

I haven't heard who the selected marque for 1999 is yet, but I'd be willing to
bet its NOT Lotus, Alfa, Triumph, Elva, or MG, or any other well-deserving,
popular, but lacking in big bucks sponsorship marques.....maybe if Steve's
shrewd he'll get Porsche to pony up again, several times....and then they can
let in the 914, 924 and 928 guys next time....(or maybe the Audi's....they
built a few race cars, didn't they??).   I know, maybe he'll pick Kia....they
raced a Sportage in some least they showed one in a TV ad.....and
they had enough money to buy a TV ad!!   Volvo's always a possibility
some big bucks car company will probably own them by this time next year
(maybe Porsche??).....ok, I know....I'm babbling again....sorry....

Myles H. Kitchen
1965 Lotus (not in Monterey) Cortina Mk1 #128

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