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Re: Plexiglass and Vintage vs. RAcing

Subject: Re: Plexiglass and Vintage vs. RAcing
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 20:13:36 EDT
In a message dated 98-08-11 00:53:34 EDT, writes:

<< There are probably still some of us that think that one shouldn't be
 a vintage car up so they can WIN against the other chopped up cars driven by
 fellow "gotta win if I have to roll the car into a ball" drivers. >>

The difference in thought with this thread is the same as appears in many
threads on the list.  Its the old VINTAGE racing vs. vintage RACING arguement.
There are some who are in this sport because of their love of old cars.
Instead of taking their cars to the concourse they get the added advantage of
driving the cars around the track,  in some approximation of how they were
used way back when.  There are others who are in this sport because of their
love of racing. Not only seeing it but doing it.  Doing it with the same cars
they saw race when they were younger brings even greater enjoyment. 

I would think some in the later group appreciate the added saftey features
which may not be "period".  It is this group that is  usually driving wheel to
wheel, at the front of the pack,  with a greater chance of an accident at a
higher speed. 

Both groups have a valid claim on the sport, but sometimes their interest do
not diverge. 

Frank Hammette

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