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Thanks for all the help

To: "Vintage race (E-mail)" <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Thanks for all the help
From: "Gerald Brazil" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 14:21:33 -0400
Thanks to all of you people who suggested the REALLY BIG hammer. It is
reassuring to know the kind of talent that is out there.

I have spent the whole morning in research and have more to report than most
of you every wanted to know about the subject. So, if you have no interest
in putting a Nippondenso starter in a Sprite, hit the delete key.

The PN for a remanufactured starter that has the proper size flange, proper
# of teeth (9) and is Clockwise Rotating is # 16878. The problem is that
this # supercedes # 17155, which is the one you really want because it has a
smaller motor body. The # 17155 was used on the 4 cyl Izuzu Trooper and
Izuzu Pup from mid to later 80's. This is a 1.0KW starter. The # 16878 was
used on Izuzu products from late 80's to present. It is 1.2KW. Since either
of these will fit in the Izuzu applications, the rebuilders treat rebuilt #
17155's like # 16878, so you don't know until you open the box which frame
you have. The frame for the # 16878 is S1101. The frame for the # 17155 is
S1105. I'll try to describe the difference so that you can identify the two
different units.

The motor section of the # 16878 is slightly larger and the nose section of
the motor part where the front bearing is carried is the shape of a very
flat cone. The ears where the bolts holding the motor to the frame are
nearly flat.

By contrast the # 17155, which you want, has a smaller motor. The ears for
the bolts holding the motor to the frame are tapered thinner at the ends and
the most visible difference is the nose piece where the shaft of the motor
comes into its bearing in the housing. This is shaped like a nipple. It is
about 3/8" high and 3/8" diameter. It has a depression in the middle.

I have found an fellow by the name of Hamid who sells used parts off of his
front porch and claims he can get me one in a few days. Guess I won't ask
too many questions. I'll still keep that REALLY BIG hammer at the ready.

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  • Thanks for all the help, Gerald Brazil <=