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Re: J. Frank Harrison info?

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: J. Frank Harrison info?
From: "Steve Hammatt" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 06:14:35 -0700
I'm probably not of much help, but I've had some contact with
Frank Harrison and the Harrison Racing Team.  Years ago
(1965-67) I worked for an airplane racing team in Santa Ana, CA.
while attending college.  I got to know the Harrison Racing Team
and used to drop by and "look".  I bought their old race car,
a Maserati 450S (Chassis 4510, engine 4514).  It was
eventually sold through Colin Crabbe in England to someone
in France.  I've partially traced it through a number of owners.
In fact, that's a very slow ongoing project is to trace it completely
to whoever now owns it.  Jerry Eisert was the chief mechanic or
team manager at the time.  Last year I spoke with Mr. Harrison in
Tenn.  He was quite interested in my quest for the history of the
450S.  He was kind enough to send my his desk-top model of
the 450S that he had; quite a surprise when it arrived!

Anyway, the point I'm making is that Jerry Eisert might be a
good contact or maybe a check with Mr. Harrison.  I don't have
Jerry's phone number but maybe he's still in the Orange County

Good luck!

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>;
Date: Monday, June 15, 1998 21:53
Subject: J. Frank Harrison info?

>I am looking for info on a Lotus 30 that noted Indy and sports car owner J.
>Frank Harrison (of Tenn.) ordered in 1964 (probably to replace the Lotus
>19/Ford special that Ruby drove for him). Does anyone have a contact that
>might have info on Harrisons cars, or that might be familiar with a white
>that he once owned?
>Harold Pace

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