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VARAC Festival & MR Points

To: "'Vintage Race List'" <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: VARAC Festival & MR Points
From: "Rockney, Vaughn (GEIS)" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 13:34:08 -0400
  Excuse my repost of this email.  I first sent it out 2 days ago, and never
saw it come back.  I haven't received much mail from the vintage-race list
in the past two days either.  The problem may well be at my end.  Sorry if
you've already seen this.
  I posted the trip report from this past weekends VARAC Festival at Mosport

  I'll add to it as additional photos come in from the participants.  Right
now, there are photos of Mike Rosen, Jim Donato, KerryAnn Diedrich, Sara
Judson, Craig "Lefty" Lefebure, Jon Hirst, Rich Ernst, Mike Jackson, R.
Harrington, Jack Drews, Tony Drews, Joe Alexander, and Roger Garnett and/or
their cars.

  Bests from the event:  best track, best weather at Feature time, best
organizing outfit, best hospitality, best free camping facilities in the
paddock, most tolerant of Einstein, most courteous drivers, fastest drivers,
most help from competitors, best track food, best parties, best track
workers, best TV reception in the paddock,.. and a bunch more bests I left
out.  Everyone should block out the time slot for 1999 right now.

  I also posted the current unofficial Monoposto Racing Points Standings, up
to and including the VARAC Festival.  These are made from the preliminary
results sheets and may contain errors.  I'll post the official standings
when I get them in the next MR Newsletter.  The points standings are at:

  Please let me know if you find errors, or have additions.  Thanks!

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