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Re: Scales

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Scales
From: Bill Kincaid <>
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 15:08:09 -0700 (PDT)
> Has anyone tried the $250 scales advertised in circle track mags.. they
> use bathroom scales with long arms attached? Are they accurate?
> Repeatable?

I've been using Ruggles scales for a while- your basic "bathroom
scales with arms attached" and in my experience yes they are both
accurate and repeatable.  However they are not super convenient
for the simple reason that once you jack the car up to adjust a
spring perch then you have take it off the scales to roll it
10 ft or so and work off the camber change.  I just got some
simple slip plates to alleviate this annoyance- they go between
the tires and scale arm pads, with a little oil between the plates
to float on- and this helps a lot but you still have to work
quickly or periodically reoil the plates.  It can also be tricky
to keep the car from just falling off the rig.  When I can afford
them I will definitely go the leveling fixture/electronic scale
route but it's a lot of money.  You might look at the Sherline
system, which looks simple and elegant and is quite a bit
cheaper.  Anybody have experience with it?


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