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To: <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: battery
From: "Mordecai Dunst"<>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 98 12:18:30 -0800
     I have a gel cell Interstate battery for my race car.  I aquired it 
     for two reasons. Risk of acid spill on me (and car metal- a real 
     problem). And its improoved duty cycle.  
     After the last race I forgot to turn off the master switch and the 
     battery was left on with a continous low grade drain due to instrument 
     lights.  When I checked the car two weeks later I saw a faint glow on 
     the low oil pressure light.  the battery was pretty flat.  BUT it 
     charged up easily and seems to hold a steady voltage even in storage.
     Rhetorical polemic in the face of incongruity and defiant mitigation 
     leads to cacoethes loquendii and coprolallia.

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