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Your cool links needed...

To: "" <british-cars@Autox.Team.Net>,
Subject: Your cool links needed...
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 08:36:59 -0600
To all 2097 of you who have visited the Team Thicko web site
<> and experienced our tireless self-promotion....

The site is undergoing a major rebuild, and is about 80% complete.
Currently best viewed with Internet Explorer if you want the scrolling
text and sound files. (As soon as I figure out how to make it work in
Netscape, I will).

I'm finalizing efforts to get audio and video streaming capabilities on

If you have any historical Healey or race pictures or content that you
want to share, please do so.

I need you help in adding links. My computer life is spread across 2
operating systems, 5 computers,  4 different mail programs, a couple of
hard crashes, and a shift in the time/spave continuum.

All the links I'd like to include are spread out over the above
described mess, and are proving very difficult to assemble, so if you
have a favroite link or a site of your own, please forward it to me,
even if you have done so in the past.

Current schedule is to have everything completed by Jan.1, so please get
your contributions in early.

The sites current audio files and pictures will take a while to load if
you're visiting for the first time, so relax, be patient, have a beer.

Wm. Severin Thompson
Team Thicko Flounder

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  • Your cool links needed..., Wm. Severin Thompson <=