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Re: Earthshaking question

Subject: Re: Earthshaking question
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 10:49:15 PST
Jim Hayes wrote:
> Bill Dalton wrote:
> > 
> > I have a cousin who lives in Mountain View. He reports that the ground
> > shakes out there occasionally. 
> Gee, does that mean that those unfortunate souls out in CA cannot leave
> their cars up on jackstands during the off season. Isn't that hard on
> race tires??? 

My solution is to pack so much junk around the car it has nowhere to go
to get off the stands. ;=)

People in California are used to an occasional shake. Unless there's a
big one, which doesn't happen all that often, the amount of damage each
year is small. Tornado Alley, OTOH, is absolutely frightening to 
Californians. What do people in the Midwest do with their race cars? Put
them in root cellars? ;=)

You pays yer money and you takes yer chances.

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