Several groups have put their futures on the line over the radial/bias issue.
VSCCA of course requires Dunlop L's, as does Steve Earle in California.
We at SVRA have taken a lot of heat an abuse since we banned radial tires in
the pre-1967 groups last year. We took a major financial hit, but it has
started to pay of in much better racing and some incredibly mixed fields,
with very close finishes. No longer does one particular make that could
maximize the radial advantages rule the roost.
We are still under a lot of pressure to give in. If you race with us and like
it that way, please speak up. We get a lot of blame for being
chicken.........about our rules, and we also get blamed for not being tough
enough. It really is hard to please everyone.
The VMC would be the logical place for any unity to begin, but having been to
a couple of meetings, I can tell you that each club tends to defend its turf.
In most clubs there is a fear of offending the guys who spend a lot of money,
be it to sponsor a party, or to bring a load of cars. Racers tend to resist
change, even when it may be in their best interest. I don't know how far
reaching this net is, but if enough racers speak up, maybe something will
Vote by attending the events that are run the way you want them to be, and
stay away from those that aren't.
Jack Woehrle, SVRA