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FW: Re: Stirling Moss black flagged?

To: vintage-race
Subject: FW: Re: Stirling Moss black flagged?
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 17:11:12 -0600 (MDT)
[BOUNCE vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net:     Admin request of type 
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     Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 10:04:50 -0700
     From: (Chris Kantarjiev)
     Subject: Re:  Stirling Moss black flagged?

I was at Turn 2 - we called Stirling in for body contact.

During practice/qualifying, he seemed to have a lot of trouble with
his car, running very slowly. He started the race at the back of
the grid - but it was quickly apparent that he'd been sandbagging, since
he passed 7 cars by the time he reached T2 the first time. He continued
to move forward, until he got to the Walt Hass car - he just couldn't
get by. 

The incident we called in went like this: Moss took a slightly 
tighter line through T2, and was approximately at the middle of the
track at exit. The Walt Hass car took the traditional line and
was at the driver's right edge. Moss's front end was slightly
overlapping the Hass car's rear; when SM got on the power, the rear
end twitched right, he corrected by steering right, and bang.

Apparently that wasn't enough to get by, so he banged doors in T8. 
And proceeded to ignore the open black flag for three laps. When he
came in, he said "I couldn't read the bloody number board." He was
told that he was done for the weekend.

I can confirm that the Hass car had its dent signed "Thanks Stirling" or
some such. I don't know if Moss will be back next year or not.

I didn't see the contact involving Parnelli Jones, but it doesn't surprise
me that the incidents involve pros - the Red Mist takes over and they
go for it. They are trained to *race* not take fast parade laps. The Trans-Am
race is usually a carefully choreographed show, with lead swaps every lap.
It's good fun. But this year, Jones and Follmer were clearly going for it...

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