[BOUNCE vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net: Non-member submission from [Jim Hayes
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Date: Sun, 01 Jun 1997 12:26:14 -0400
From: Jim Hayes <hayes@mediaone.net>
Reply-To: hayes@mediaone.net
Subject: Re: RV's for race weekends
Malcolm Cox wrote:
> I'm looking for some comments, rude or otherwise, from RV'ers.
> I'm seriously thinking of getting a RV (motorhome) for lugging trailer
> (with MGA) to events (my Plymouth Caravan really strains with 3500lb
Only did it once. Tows sloooooooow and unstable, racetracks are always
noisy so it's hard to rest, hot unless you run the AC all the time, uses
gas like crazy, and the biggest problem is I have seen too many racers
spending their time at the track fixing these monsters instead of
enjoying a race weekend. It seems that becasue they sit so much and get
used so little, they have beaucoup problems.
Try a 4.0 Cherokee. Tows 3500# like it ain't there, up to 75 mph
leisurely cruise, 16 mpg, and can be used as a daily driver.
Jim Hayes Winchester, MA, USA
hayes@mediaone.net http://www.fotec.com/jim.htm
jeh@fotec.com http://www.fotec.com/
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!