Simon writes:
"The few SCCA vintage events we get in the SF Bay Area are basically
no-frills racing. As they are part of the largest region of the SCCA,
they benefit from buying track time in bulk. ;=3D) The one at Laguna this f=
is $200 if you ran in last year's event, $250 otherwise. Laguna and Sears
Point are expensive tracks to rent. CSRG figured it cost them $35,000 to ha=
Sears Point for a weekend. Laguna has to be more."
The $250 fee for the SCCA Laguna event in October looks like it yields me 4 =
minute sessions. If I read the schedule correctly, I get one early Sat a.m.=
one late Sat.afternoon and an early Sun. a.m. and late Sun. pm......normally=
I'd say it's hardly worth the drive down there but it was a great turnout la=
year so I'll begrudingly go. In our region, SCCA is struggling and vintage
events brought sheckles to the coffers last year. It feels like SCCA vintag=
is being used to support the rest of the SCCA programs that can't support
themselves......not something I particularly care to do......(nomex on, flam=
no doubt on the way).....