Blackhawk Farms Raceway will host an open test day for Vintage Cars on
THURSDAY JUNE 12TH, 1997 (just before the Classic). Come out and get
parked, get tuned up and get ready for the VSCDA Classic, before your
competition shows up!
Please RSVP by June 10th in order to get the special rate of $150.00/car!
Registration at the track will begin at 8:00 AM. Track activities will
start at 9:00 AM and end at 4:30 PM. Corner workers will be on hand to
watch over you and good weather has been requested.
Please call to register your car with Cindy at the track: (815)289-3323 or
you may FAX us your info at (815)389-2000.
*Non-RSVP cost is $200.00/Car.