Anybody out there an expert on inlet manifold design?
I am trying to do a new manifold for my 6 litre deHaviland Aero engine.
Currently I have 4 single choke AMAL carbs (one for each cylinder). The
engine revs to about 2700.
The new carb is a 2inch SU. This has to be fitted at one end of the
engine. I am planning to run a pipe from the carb to the along to the
middle of the engine. This will then connect to a pipe running the length
of the engine (diameter?). From ths pipe, I intend to run a separate pipe
to each cylinder. The length of the pipe along teh engine is around 34".
>From the valve to the carb is about 36" For 1 and 4 and 30" from 2 and 3.
Any comments/crtisism greatfully received
Geraint Owen