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Re: Maserati

To: jim hayes <>
Subject: Re: Maserati
From: Susan <>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 07:21:45 -0500
jim hayes wrote:
> A note to me from Jim Fuerstenberg re Maseratis:
> Tom Mittler from Mishawaka, Ind. races vintage Maseratis on occasion.  He
> has several (at least) and is really into those cars... You probably can
> find him through HSR or SVRA.
> veni, vidi, veloce

Also, Jim Skrym raced his 3500 in vintage here on the east coast and did
a lot to sponsor parties, events, etc. via his company, Paine Webber. I
beieve he lives in New Jersey. A very nice red Maser.

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