> I would suggest checking out the offerings from Tilton. I believe
> there is one that would fit. Also look at a Toyota Land Cruiser and
> some Datsun items.
> Ken Freese
> 55 100S
> 65 3000
> ______________________________ Reply Separator
> Subject: BN2 Brake Modifications
> Author: Bill Poff <> at _internetcc
> Date: 2/5/97 9:04 AM
> Does anyone have any experience with fitting a dual braking system to a
> BN2? Any information about type of master cylinder, mounting, etc.
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Bill Poff
> BN2
I endorse Ken's suggestion.
I have a Datsun 1200 dual master in my 3000 racer.
It is old but the rubbers are still available.
Mac Tilton has some excellent stuff,
including (front/rear)bias tees that you can adjust
from inside the cockpit if you wish (for racing).
Mark Donaldson
Auckland, N.Z.