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Re: intro: me & my Italia

Subject: Re: intro: me & my Italia
From: "Mike Engard" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 17:05:53 -5
Dear Grand...or is that Dear G.Wazoo...howzabout..Dear Mike;
    Thanks for the tips so far. If you check out my website at look in the 'showroom' and you'll find a picture of 
Dave's Italia that we restored about a year ago. Dave owned his 
Italia when I met him 12 years ago, and even tho they always say 
don't do business with friends, we did it anyway. We're still good 
friends and the car is done. The car I'm buying belongs to another 
mutual friend who can't afford to restore either the Italia or his 
Karmann Ghia. I offered to trade some work on the Ghia for the Italia 
and it should be mine by spring. The car I'm getting is missing a lot 
of trim, both interior and exterior (some of it went to Dave's car, 
the rest just disappeared over the years) and since it's all 
unavailable I felt a retoration was out of the question. A race car 
doesn't need any of that stuff so this seemed like a good idea. I'm 
sure there will be times during the next several years when I will 
doubt the wisdom of this decision but for now I'm revved up.
    It seems several people tried to contact me and had trouble. 
WE've contacted our sever (bell.atlantic) and would urge you all to 
try again.


Mike Engard
1980 TR7,  1970 Rover 3500S
Perkasie, PA (North of Phila.)

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