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[Fwd: [Fwd: Which race club to join ?]]

To: vintage_race <>
Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Which race club to join ?]]
From: Grand_Wazoo <>
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 16:03:57 -0800
sent this to the wrong mailing list first time

Grand_Wazoo wrote:
> Two of the events you mention are SVRA events and the Lime Rock race
> generally accepts cars that meet SVRA requirements.
> I'd also say that if your car meets SVRA requirements, most
> organizations will take it.
> VSCCA is the exception - the Lime Rock race is the only one of theirs
> that is open to "relatively" modern cars.  Heck, they won't even take my
> Truimph TR3, they consider it too modern.
> Your note doesn't say where you live but it sounds like the NorthEast.
> VSCDA has races that are mostly in the upper midwest, quite a tow but a
> run at a venue like Road America is not to be missed.  SVRA also gets
> there as well as to Mid-Ohio, which is my favorite track.
> SVRA has always been good to me and I enjoy their events, other's
> opinions vary.
> mike jackson
> Brinkmann, Gerry wrote:
> >
> > I have been racing for close on 10 years now - originally did some races
> > with the SCCA in a MG Midget and have for the last 6 years campaigned a
> > VW GTI on the pro-rally circuit. I am looking to supplement my pro-rally
> > calendar with some vintage racing to fill in the gaps during the
> > pro-rally season.
> >
> > This year I hope to start racing with some form of vintage race
> > association. I hope to do about 3 races this year and am looking at the
> > following events:
> >
> > Lime Rock Weekend during Labor day weekend
> > The Watkins Glen event during September
> > Something in the May time frame - I think there is one at Pocono
> >
> > I already have my car ready, I am installing a slightly breathed on
> >  engine over the next couple of weeks and the gearbox is currently being
> > stripped to change some components. So essentially the car is ready.
> >
> > What I would like to know is which vintage race organization should I
> > join, SVRA or VSCCA ?
> > I would like to hear varying comments on either org. , pros and cons,
> > number of events, rules, etc.
> >
> > I do NOT have a log book for the car - but once having joined a club, I
> > should be able to get a log-book issued.
> >
> > thanks
> > gerry
> >
> > PS - it's a 1962 MGB
> >
> > The following binary file has been uuencoded to ensure successful
> > transmission.  Use UUDECODE to extract.
> >
> >                    Name: WINMAIL.DAT
> >     Part 1.2       Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
> >                Encoding: x-uuencode

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