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Re: Which race club to join?

Subject: Re: Which race club to join?
From: Dick Carlson <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 20:16:01 -0600
 First off, I don't agree with Tom about SVRA being snobbish. They are
trying to hold back rampant modifications of popular cars which are (and
were) not acceptable to the santioning bodies. Bugeyes did not race with
1275cc motors. Period. If Tom's friend had checked with SVRA before he
showed up to race, he would have found that out.
 I think you'll find that VSCCA has a December, 1959 cutoff. Any car
newer than that date is not elegible.
 I'd agree that HSR puts on a good event.
 Write to a couple of organizations and get the official rules so you're
not surprised. And welcome to the group <G>.

 Dick Carlson, Age & Treachery Racing

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