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Re: [Fwd: video camera mounts]

To: Grand_Wazoo <>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: video camera mounts]
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 22:39:02 -0600
Grand_Wazoo wrote:
> Rich Lambert wrote:
> >
> > I got a roll cage video camera mount for Christmas, can anyone give me
> > some taping tips?
> >
> > Rich Lambert
> > '68 912 #912
> I've partially settled the shaking on my TR3 by mounting it high enough
> to be able to sandwich a pad of foam on the top side of the camera
> between the camera and the roll bar.  It helped it a lot.
> Also agree with using reverse angle once in a while, it's fun to watch
> what's happenin just behind you.  Particularly if its a good tight race.
> Final word, preview your tapes before you show them to your racing
> friends.  You dont really want your friends to see how badly you miss
> apexes, or those nasty sideways slides, etc.  show 'em your brilliantly
> driven races
> mike jackson

Editing to video is like trim to carpenters... that's what makes it look
good. And since my primary business is audio... remember "video without
audio is surveilance camera!". 

I experimented with different mic positions. In the 912 you have Rich,
wind noise might not be such a problem... but in a Sprite it is. I run a
remote mic in the trunk, just above the exhaust megaphone.

Team Thicko

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