> I mean we
> think we have problems getting a period grommet to go between our frilly
> sumps thingies but hell just imagine what fun motorists interested in peri
> cars of the 1990s will have in 20 years hence when they try to authentical
> restore their machines. I find it somewhat ironic that the cars won't be
> genuinely authentic unless they can replace the plastic bag in the steerin
> wheel.
You think that's funny? Try finding ECUs!
The computerization of cars will make running old, not just vintage cars,
difficult (and expensive) if not impossible. Try finding electronics for a
older car and you'll freak out. The SAE is trying to develop standards so
the cars share basic electronic systems but with different programming, but
it will be years before it gets implemented.
If I weren't already up to my ears in an entrepreneural biz, I'd look at
replacement electronics and start advertising in Hemmings! But 50 state
emissions certification would be very costly...
Jim Hayes Boston, MA USA
www: http://www.fotec.com/jim.htm
veni, vedi, veloce