>Now the nights are long, cold and dark and the MGA is sitting forlorn and
>forgotten in the barn
>(cripes it must be 55 degrees out there!), my thoughts turn to racing,
>sunny days and the smell
>of burning 5$ bills.
>I'm desperate.
>I overheard paddock gossip that some satellite/cable service runs footage
>of races of yesteryear.
>(oh god now I said it yesteryear=my_teenage_years)
>Please tell me where to sign up.
>Malcolm Cox, Napa, CA malcox@napanet.net
>Vintage Race MGA #80, 1960
Hi All,
In response to Malcolm and anyone else interested in period racing footage,
please allow me to make a blatent plug for my film, "Hay Bales & Asphalt".
The films on Speedvision are fantastic. What makes "Hay Bales & Asphalt"
different is that it exibits the cars we love doing exactly what we are
trying to recreate at vintage racing events. MGAs included!
I bought this footage out of a friend's basement. He avidly attended every
California race he could in the late 50s and early 60s and shot color
16mm(!) at many races between 1957 to 1961. With the support of my
wonderful wife, I spent my I-wanna-have-a-race-car-someday budget to
restore and edit a finished video. For me, it was like restoring a car.
My goal is to sell enough of these to justify doing another. I have had
several enthusiasts mention to me that they have cans of film sitting in
some closet somewhere and I would it would be a shame to have these moving
records disappear.
Meanwhile, I still want the race car.
Please visit my web site and write me if you have any questions.
"Hay Bales and Asphalt"
a video featuring vintage footage
of motor racing from 1957 to 1961.
Images and description at