Hello all, I'm new to the mailing list so bear with me a bit, but I
thought I might interject some comments about the idea of venting your
crankcase to your headers. I used to spend a lot of time drag racing and
the procedure is common practice, if not universal among the high
horsepower cars. This allows them to run the low tension rings without
too much blow-by. While I understand their reasons, I always found it a
quite annoying practice because anytime someone blew a motor, it took 30
minutes to clean the track off. I race an MGB GT in SCCA vintage and i'm
also a scrutineer. In SCCA all engine breathers have to be vented to a
catch tank no matter what class or what engine to prevent the situation of
oil on the track. In a drag race, where each car waits on the one before
it before running the risk is minimal because can be cleaned up before
another competitor has a chance to go through it. This system of venting
has no place in roadracing, it's too much of a danger to your fellow
competitors for such a minimal benefit.
Doug DeLong