>>Basically, there are now 2 groups of car classes. The Classic cars are
>>ones built before 12/31/62, and prepared to mostly original specs. The
>>Historc cars are those made up to 12/31/67, or those prepared to a point
>>in time beyond 62 but not beyond the 67 date, with specific exceptions
>>for various Formula cars going as far as Formula Fords up to 72 (per
>>Monoposto Register rules).
>I'm very much in favor of of rules that include as many people as possible,
>rather than exclude based on arbitrary measures (like the infamous - to me,
>at least - exclusion of MGA's by one of the more exclusionary clubs). I now
>race my MG Midget almost exclusively with groups like HSR that do have a
>welcoming hand for almost any car that comes. Sure, some guys go too far -
>in my group, racing a Midget, I run against guys like Tom Colby who has the
>most advanced 1960's car going, and ran virtual slicks at Mid Ohio this
>year. But so what?! I knew he'd be there, I knew he'd have a 1400cc engine
>and weird tires, I knew he would run 10 sec. faster than me and I was
>pleased to see that he had a race to run with other cars just like his! I
>had a race to run, too, and had a fantastic time at the event! I race to
>have fun, I build cars to have fun, and sometimes I DON'T do this to
>preserve cars but to exercise them! I can guarantee you that 1:48 at
>Mosport with my 1275cc engine and F.Ford tires is a ton more fun than 1:58
>with my 948cc engine and 4.50 L series Dunlops! It just is, and claiming
>originality don't change the adrenaline rush!
>Brian Evans
>Director, General Sales
>UUNET Canada Inc.
>20 Bay Street, Suite 1910
>Toronto, ON, M5J 2N8
Brian Evans
Director, General Sales
UUNET Canada Inc.
20 Bay Street, Suite 1910
Toronto, ON, M5J 2N8