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RE: piston flame tunnel

Subject: RE: piston flame tunnel
From: (Gary R. Gosewisch)
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 22:07:26 -0500
       Replying to Dave Williamson ( and anyone else interested.

        I am clarifing the flame tunnel on a piston.

        Flame tunnel is the expected travel of the burning fuel mixture in
the combustion chamber.  It usually deals with pop-up pistions where the
pop-up is between the valve releifs and the spark plug.  There should be a
depression in the area of the plug so that when the plug fires the flame
can travel to the rest of the chamber.  If this so called tunnel is not
there the piston travelling up in the chamber can block off the flame front
from the rest of the cylinder, causing some of the fuel being unburned and
therefore not creating as much horsepower as possible. If there is any
other questions please feel free to e-mail me!!

Reuben Gosewisch (

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