Papyrus, now a part of Sierra makes both NASCAR and IndyCar Racing II.
Currently, only IndyCar is available in a
Mac version. In November, they will introduce Nascar 2, which will have all of
the graphic enhancements that
ICRII has over NASCAR and more. It will be available in Mac. To download demo
versions of these racing sims,
go to Sierra's web site at There is also a new F1
simulator out which is said to be very
I got turned on to and started palying these sims about 5 months ago. They are
great and do require a learning
curve for driving ability as well as car set up. For those not familiar with
the sims, the cars can be run with a setups
that come with the sim, or as in the case of IndyCar, you can adjust such
things as front and rear spoiler angle,
gearing, brake bias, front and rear sway bars, it goes on. There is a large
community of sim players out there and
there is a newsgroup specifically for racing sims at
The bets results and most satisfaction I feel comes from using a wheel and
pedal set. A reasonably good one is
the Thrustmaster T2 and cost about $99 at places like Circuit City. The sims
themselves cost about $49.
Thrustmaster is coming out in the next couple months with a force feedback
wheel, which will transmit road feel.
Something current wheels don't do.
There is a wide variety of car sets created and available for download at
varios websites. Car sets for IROC, F1,
British Touring Cars, as well as constant updates of car paint schemes in both
NASCAR and IndyCar as the
season progresses. I am currently involved in a series patterned after the
British Touring Cars, called the Internet
Touring Car Championship (I drive a Jaguar XJR). There are converters
available to allow racing of NASCAR's on
IndyCar tracks and vice versa. If you are interested in checking out racing
sims, visit my web page. I have links to
our series (new dirvers welcome), as well as IndyCar and NASCAR sims. E-mail
me if you want more info, or talk
about sim racing.
We now return you to your regular programing.
Jerry Liudahl
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