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Re: Brake fluid damage to paint

To: Malcolm Cox <>
Subject: Re: Brake fluid damage to paint
From: Dr G W Owen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 09:59:55 +0100 (BST)
Why not just wash it off with water? Brake fluid is water soluble is it
not. Then you can use 20 gallons of high pressure hose pipe, then use
some degreaser and wash again.

Oh and the water is cheap!


On Sun, 21 Jul 1996, Malcolm Cox wrote:

> I recently dumped a cupful of dot4 hydraulic fluid on the firewall area under 
>the hood of my 
> race MGA.  Not being able to remove all of it, especially in the nooks and 
>crannies, the residue 
> is slowly but surely eating it's way across any paint it can find.  
> I am toying with washing any areas I can get to with kerosene, but if this 
>stuff is not diluted 
> enough, I fear this will spread the damage further. Further I am not sure 
>what to do with 2 
> gallons of kerosene on my driveway.  
> Does any one know of any water soluble goops which will neutralize this 
> Malcolm Cox, Napa, CA
> VIntage Racing MGA 1960

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