Are you kidding? I never saw such a superstitious lot. I've got a
whole retinue of things, myself. First off, the car number is VERY
important. My car came with # 99 on it, but I couldn't get that as a
permanent #. I was advised to keep the 99 part, so I went with 199,
even tho it meant making the ovals bigger. My wife is Chinese, and the
# 99 is considered very lucky. In Chinese, it sounds like "lasts
forever" which is pretty good for a vintage car. ;=) She also gave me a
paper good luck charm that came all the way from a temple in China.
This goes in the sleeve pocket of the racing suit. I am also very
particular about getting settled into the car. I wear a round neck
collar, and this MUST be placed over the left mirror with the label
right side UP before I get into the car. After I climb into the cockpit
and strap in, I can get the collar off the mirror and make sure it's on
right side up. The theory is that if it goes on upside down, the car
might get that way, too. The last thing is my "lucky lozenge" that goes
into the mouth after all the gear is in place but the gloves. I just
can't drive right when my throat is dry. The lozenge is a big help. The
last time I went out without the lozenge, I snapped a crank!
>Speaking of luck, do any of you racers have any routines of good luck
>charms you rely on for racing. I never thought I was superstitous, but
>then I realized there are 3 things that I rely on for luck...