I finally forced myself to go through Vintage Motorsports first '96 issue.
It was not easy. The last year's format of race-by-reace reports of twnety
or thirty years ago is incredibly boring. I look at the pictures and read
the sidebars, but the race report format seems a stupid wast of expensive
I hated it as they did Pete Lyons book on the Can-Am too, but when I saw the
book, it was well written and quite interesting. I'm sure the same will be
true for Rich Taylor's book on the Trans-Am, but Art Eastman seems to be
trying to put everyone to sleep first.
Am I the only one who feels that way?
Jim Hayes - Alfa nut
jeh@fotec.com tel:1-800-537-8254 fax:1-617-396-6395
Vintage racing '57 & '62 Alfa Spiders
On the web: http://www.std.com/fotec/jim.htm
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false.