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Re: Mid-Ohio

Subject: Re: Mid-Ohio
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 95 00:27 CDT

What if they held a race and nobody came?  I just got back from the vintage
event at Mid Ohio.  The racing was great, with one scary moment when an
Allard went wheels up at the end of tbe back straight (he walked away!). The
crowd was real small in my estimation.  But each year it seems smaller.  The
Concours had a very small turn out.  The swap meet was nowhere to be found.
The vendors were down to half a dozen or less. 

I also just returned from Mid-O.  There were 280 race cars at the event.  Our 
group, group 1 had 35-40 cars(w/o looking at my packet and counting).

The vendor rates were raised very high...Allen Hogan of Autojumble said they 
wanted $1500...I do not know whether that is accurate.

It sure looked to me that there were a lot of spectators. Based on past years, 
I would say a few less, but not many.  

The Vic Elford/Brian Redman show at the track party on Sat. night was fun.

I also enjoyed the racing.  Finished 4th overall, 1st in class in Group 1.  
Red Mini #142 (normally 42).

                Jim Fuerstenberg

          "British marshals, ever at the forefront in motor racing
          safety, were the first to use cement dust on oil spilt on
          the circuit."(Raymond Baxter at the Goodwood Festival of Speed 
(June, 1994)

          "Or need to..." (anonymous spectator)

<---- End Included Message ---->

                Jim Fuerstenberg

          "British marshals, ever at the forefront in motor racing
          safety, were the first to use cement dust on oil spilt on
          the circuit."(Raymond Baxter at the Goodwood Festival of Speed 
(June, 1994)

          "Or need to..." (anonymous spectator)

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