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Goodwood Revival

Subject: Goodwood Revival
From: "Liebetreu, Pete" <PLiebetreu@Hunter.COM>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 15:25:24 -0500
This is a message primarily for the English members of the list.

I'm looking at being able to fly in for the Goodwood revival weekend.  I
will probably be flying into London Luton from Spain.

I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on ground transportation to
Goodwood from London, suggestions on accommodations over the weekend,
suggestions on ground transportation once I'm in the Goodwood/Chichester
area, suggestion on anything in general.  

Obviously this is not strictly TVR related so responses directly to my
e-mail address of are appreciated.


Pete Liebetreu
St. Louis, MO USA
'72 Vixen 2500

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