Good morning all;
I need help from someone that has the same vintage car as mine (1970 TVR
Vixen S2 Ford 1600 motor)
As I re-assemble my chassis I realized that there are three symmetrical
mounting holes for the steering rack. and since I have cleaned and
repainted the entire chassis there is no evidence of its original
location. This is one part I never thought to make notes on during
disassembly. I currently have it mounted using the rear holes. Some one
please pop their hood and have a look.
Thanks and enjoy your holidays.
Rolf Beuttenmuller
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bldg. 535-B, Instrumentation Division
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
516-344-2305 (516-344-5773FAX)