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Re: Shocks

To: "Hill, Stephen M AETT:EX" <>
Subject: Re: Shocks
From: Bob Tescione <>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 15:09:15 -0400
Hill, Stephen M AETT:EX wrote:
> > Bob Tescione wrote:
> >
>         ........ New suspension bushings, Grade 8 hardware where stress will
> occur and new
> > Monroe shocks. This car only has 27K miles but sat around a lot and got
> > the chassis all rusted, but no holes. Engine is stock TR6 US spec.
> >
>         Bob, what type of Munro shocks are these, and do you think they will
> fit the Vixen chassis as well           as the  M? I thought we were
> restricted to Spax, Armstrong, and Koni, all of which are harder to     come
> by, and usually a lot more expensive. Comments, anybody??

Well Steve, I just went to the garage and thought I could put my hand
quickly on the end flap from the shock carton...I was wrong.

Anyway they were UK-made Monroes and designed to be coil-overs. The
finish on them was pretty good, so I used some Nyalik clear coat on
them  to try to preserve them a little longer. I got them from Gene Bird
At Classic Motor Works in Johnstown PA(814)288-6911. I bought them in
1993 and they cost  $64 each. The part number from the invoice is 15086.

Another topic. TVRCCNA. If you dont belong you probably ought to. They
have a book listed as a Vixen parts manual for6.95. I dont have it but I
ought to. I have a photo copy of an M parts book that I got years ago.
They have one of those listed too for $29.95.

Hope at least some of this is helpful

Bob Tescione

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