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To: TVR@Autox.Team.Net,,
Subject: Newsgroup
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 19:39:18 EDT
Fellow Trevoristi-

I assume all of us belong to the TVR club (at least those of us in the
colonies)and in the latest issue Scott S wants to make a list of 'lectronic
addresses available to members of the club. I can only guess that he wants to
converse with other like minded weird...I mean right-thinking individuals. I
know that there is a newsgroup in Merry Olde, but it caters almost exclusivly
to cars that none of us in the US could ever hope to sneak into the country.
MJB has put together this nice newsgroup for us few TVR enhanced souls. Why
don't we mount a campaign to have everyone just join this newsgroup. It isn't
like my mail box is overflowing with TVR news, but with a maximized level of
participation, we might get this list really rolling. 

By the way...does anyone know the guy with the new style Griffith for sale in
Florida? How did he get it in ..and smogged. It's only $50k, not that I could
afford such a toy, but I sure can DREAM <g>

TVR enhanced...but always challanged...
    Nick in Nor Cal

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