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To: tvr@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: S.O.S.
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 23:10:06 EST
So I was all pissed when I pulled a lolly on the A5 and nicked a right banger
on the off side. Smith's in Avon on Swill, over Hill has new ones at 14 & 10,
but  Pearson Bros Underhill on Trent has them for 14 &9. What's a right git to

No wait ...This is the wrong TVR list...Sorry

Great to hear that somebody (Will ?) talked Mark into starting a "good ole
'mericun English car list. Can't wait to hear what everyone has to say.

Has anyone installed an oil cooler on their 2500 ? Where did you end up
putting it ? I got a TR kit that had preformed hoses and was forced to put it
behind the radiator. That's not as bad as it sounds as I have a complete
shroud around the radiator, sort of a large box if you will, that fits all the
way back to the fan. I hung the cooler on a brace I installed across the main
tubes, and then installed a sort of a duct so that the air was pulled from
below the radiator into the oil cooler. I'm not sure if I have reduced the
airflow thru the radiator much, but since it did run hot on the track, perhaps
I should re-think this location. Anyone successfully mounted one either side
of the radiator ,...or 

Anna nuther thing...what the heck are people doing about the dreaded "Pinto
Effect". I know I live in mortal fear of some blue haired type in a Buick
stopping about a foot into the back of the car. Man, there's nothin between
that "chrome colossus" and flaming death but a quarter inch-o-fiberglass.

Let the jousting begin...
     Nick in Nor Cal

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