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[TR] Paul Dorsey's TR3

To: Paul Dorsey <>, "Triumphs (" <>
Subject: [TR] Paul Dorsey's TR3
From: Jeff Scarbrough <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 10:44:15 -0400


Some of you old-timers may remember Paul Dorsey who participated on this
list some years back, asking questions as he worked on rebuilding and
restoring his 1960 TR3.

Imagine my surprise when he turned up in my driveway recently.  He now
lives in town, but occasionally rides his bicycle out this way to spend the
weekend at his old house out in the greenbelt.

Due to some health issues, Paul can no longer drive or work on his car, so
he is looking for someone who might find some use in what he has. It's a
1960 TR3 that has had some engine work done, but is currently outside under
cover with the head off the block (head is stored indoors).

Paul told me the price is negotiable, and would probably be best acquired
by someone in the Northeast Georgia area who could come and see the
condition for themselves to make an offer, either as a project or a parts
car.  (No one wants to see their passion project broken up for parts, but
sometimes it be like that).

You can email Paul at  (he is also CC'd on this
message), and he can provide you with pictures and more information.

Jeff Scarbrough
Corrosion Acres, Ga.

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<div dir=3D"ltr">Some of you old-timers may remember=C2=A0Paul Dorsey who p=
articipated on this list some years back, asking questions as he worked on =
rebuilding and restoring his 1960 TR3.<br><br>Imagine my surprise when he t=
urned up in my driveway recently.=C2=A0 He now lives in town, but occasiona=
lly rides his bicycle out this way to spend the weekend at his old house ou=
t in the greenbelt.<br><br>Due to some health issues, Paul can no longer dr=
ive or work on his car, so he is looking for someone who might find some us=
e in what he has. It&#39;s a 1960 TR3 that has had some engine work done, b=
ut is currently outside under cover with the head off the block (head is st=
ored indoors).=C2=A0=C2=A0<br><br>Paul told me the price is negotiable, and=
 would probably be best acquired by someone in the Northeast Georgia area w=
ho could come and see the condition for themselves=C2=A0to make an offer,=
=C2=A0either as a project or a parts car.=C2=A0 (No one wants to see their=
=C2=A0passion project broken up for parts, but sometimes it be like that).<=
div><br></div><div>You can email Paul at <a href=3D"mailto:dorpaul1@gmail.c=
om"></a>=C2=A0 (he is also CC&#39;d on this message), and=
 he can provide you with pictures and more information.<br><br>Cheers,</div=
><div>Jeff Scarbrough</div><div>Corrosion Acres, Ga.</div></div>


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